Tambopata National Reserve

The Tambopata National Reserve is one of the last easily accessible virgin tropical rainforests in the world.
The Tambopata National Reserve (RNTMB) is located south of the Madre de Dios River in the Tambopata and Inambari districts of the Tambopata province, department of Madre de Dios; and its extension is 274,690.00 hectares. The presence of this important protected natural area seeks to conserve the flora, fauna, and ecological processes of a sample of the tropical rainforest. The TNR also generates conservation processes that ensure the sustainable use of natural resources and the landscape.

The Tambopata River basin has one of the highest rates of biological diversity in the world. The TNR is located in the middle and lower zone of this basin, near the city of Puerto Maldonado. Among its most common ecosystems are aguajales, swamps, pacales and riparian forests, whose physical characteristics allow local inhabitants to take advantage of the natural resources.
It is also contiguous to Bahuaja Sonene National Park, which surrounds it to the south, forming a highly important protection unit for the country.The existing connectivity with the department’s natural protected areas (the Amarakaeri Communal Reserve and the Alto Purús and Manu national parks) and those of neighboring Bolivia, supports the existence of the proposed Vilcabamba – Amboró biological corridor.

The RNTMB harbors mainly aquatic habitats that are used as stopovers for more than 40 species of transcontinental migratory birds. The national reserve protects important endangered species and offers tourism a privileged destination for observing the diversity of flora and fauna.
The buffer zone is home to the native communities of Palma Real, Sonene, and Infierno belonging to the Ese’ Eja ethnolinguistic group; and the Kotsimba native community of the Puquirieri ethnolinguistic group.

Flora and Fauna Observation in Tambopata National Reserve

More than 632 bird species, 1,200 butterflies, 103 amphibians, 180 fish, 169 mammals and 103 reptiles have been reported in the RNTMB. Within the reserve there are healthy habitats for the recovery and refuge of threatened populations of species such as the giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis), the otter (Lontra longicaudis) and felines such as the yaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi), the puma (Puma concolor), the jaguar (Panthera onca), the ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) and the margay (Leopardus wiedii).

Among the primate species are the maquisapa (Ateles chamek), the pichico (Saguinus fuscicollis), the emperor pichico (Saguinus imperator), the coto monkey (Alouatta seniculus), the black-headed monkey (Aotus nigriceps), the choro monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha), the friar monkey (Saimiri boliviensis), the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus), the white monkey (Cebus albifrons) and the black monkey (Cebus apella).

Other mammal species that stand out among the wildlife are the sachavaca (Tapirus terrestris), the huangana (Tayassu pecari), the peccary (Tayassu tajacu), the red deer (Mazama americana), the gray deer (Mazama gouazoubira) and the two-toed sloth (Choloepus hoffmanni) and three-toed sloth (Bradypus variegatus).

Among the birds are the harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja), the crested eagle (Morphus guianensis), the common curassow (Mitu tuberosa), the unicorn curassow (Pauxi unicornis) and the carunculated curassow (Crax globulosa). Almost all of the macaw species that inhabit Peru are found in the RNTMB.
Reptiles are mainly represented by the emerald boa (Corallus caninus), the machaco parrot (Bothrops bilineatus), the boa constrictor (Boa constrictor) and the shushupe (Lachesis muta). It is also common to see the black caiman (Melanosuchus niger), the white caiman (Caiman crocodylus) and the taricaya (Podocnemis unifilis).
There is also a great variety of fish, including the boquichico (Prochilodus nigricans), the jumping zungaro (Brachyplatystoma filamentosum), the yahuarachi (Potamorrhyna latior), the dorado (Brachyplatystoma flavicans), and the paco (Piaractus brachipomun). Non-commercial fish include shad (Brycon spp.), mullet (Schizodon fasciatus) and catfish (Pimelodus sp.).
There are different types of vegetation in the RNTMB, including aguajales in the sedimentation plains, pecan groves, terrace forests and gallery forests. Seventeen plant associations per forest type and a total of 1,255 plant species have been identified.

A very important species conserved in the RNTMB is the Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa), which grows on non-flooded terraces in the Amazonian lowland rainforest.In Peru, it is found exclusively in the eastern fringe of the department of Madre de Dios and is the most important non-timber commercial species, with great impact on the local economy. It forms a valuable part of the habitat of numerous mammal species because it is a source of food and a nesting site for birds of prey.

Tourist Routes

The most visited tourist destination is Lake Sandoval, located in the Madre de Dios River basin.This 127-hectare body of water is surrounded by palm trees full of macaws and is only half an hour by river from Puerto Maldonado. In its waters, which can be traveled in boats rented by local people and lodges, inhabits a large family of giant otters that can be seen hunting and preening on the trunks.There is also an observatory tower for a panoramic view.

In the Tambopata river basin, upstream, there are other important lakes, such as Cocococha, 2 hours from Puerto Maldonado and also with the presence of giant otters; and Sachavacayoc, located 3 hours from Puerto Maldonado where there is a camping area to spend the night.

Crossing the Tambopata River is the El Gato ravine with its waterfall.Nearby are the Baltimorillo rapids.The characteristic attractions of Tambopata are the colpas that are on the banks of the rivers bringing together hundreds of birds (macaws, hawks and parrots) offering a spectacular show of color and sound (all this especially between 5:30 and 9:00 am).
Mammals such as peccaries, huanganas, and sachavacas (sajinos, huanganas, and sachavacas) usually come at night to the inland colpas. The Chuncho and Colorado clay licks are located on the left bank of the Tambopata River.The latter is considered the largest known clay lick in the Peruvian Amazon.Within the RNTMB, several places have been identified with several clay licks and beaches where caimans, sachavacas, ronsocos and other species can also be seen.

Activity of Interest

The RNTMB has an interpretation center on the way to Sandoval Lake and 8 control posts.In Cocococha Lake, there is a hide-lookout, camping areas in the Chuncho and Colorado colpas, a camping area and pier in Sachavacayoc Lake, an observation tower and pier in Sandoval Lake, and piers in Condenado Lake and at the La Torre control post.
There are also private companies that provide lodging inside the protected area, which guarantees that your stay in this imposing corner of the country is pleasant and that you can make the most of it.
Tambopata National Reserve is located south of the Madre de Dios River in the Tambopata and Inambari districts of the Tambopata province.
It is bordered on the north by the province of Tambopata in the department of Madre de Dios; on the east by Bolivia; on the south by the Bahuaja Sonene National Park; and on the west by the Kotsimba Native Community.
To get to the reserve, you must leave from Puerto Maldonado, where the Tambopata and Madre de Dios Rivers meet; access is by river.


The average annual temperature is 26º C, fluctuating between 10º and 38º C.The low temperatures are conditioned by cold Antarctic winds that arrive through the Andes and enter the Amazon basin. The presence of cold winds is more intense in the months of June and July. Rainfall occurs from December to March.

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Responsible for making sales and reservations with 100% efficiency, dedicated and responsible collaborator with 24-hour availability to provide information to customers’ questions and to make sales.




He is a local guide from the native community of infierno with a lot of knowledge in flora and fauna, very extroverted, he specializes in survival tours and spoteador of felines in the forest, your trips with him will be unforgettable.




Naturalist and charismatic guide with a lot of knowledge in flora and fauna, he never gets tired, your trips with him will be fun.



Ines Duran

Works in marketing and also as a guide grew up along the Tambopata River has knowledge of flora and fauna speaks English and German specializes in family tours.



Jenfre Angel Huayna

Tiene conocimiento en flora y fauna amante de la naturaleza le gusta enseñar acerca de la conservación y la importancia de la cultura tradicional de los pueblos indígenas se especializa en tours de fotografías



Jenfre Angel Huayna

Has knowledge in flora and fauna, nature lover, likes to teach about conservation and the importance of the traditional culture of indigenous peoples, specializes in photo tours.



Miguel Ángel Araníbar

Very responsible and cooperative, willing to teach in order to have a quality service.



Alejo Isuisa

One of the oldest workers in the company and with a lot of experience in knowledge of the river, our boat activities are safe and reliable.




Uno de los trabajadores más antiguos en la empresa y con mucha experiencia en conocimiento del rio nuestras actividades en bote están seguras y confiables.




Specializing in preparing all kinds of food, his seasoning makes visitors want to try more of his food.




Very professional and knowledgeable about flora and fauna with a lot of enthusiasm to share his knowledge with clients, he also specializes in holistic and experiential tours.